Are people trained in science, rude, or arrogant? ” I came across a brilliant article on The Big Think. It is an old one. The link is here. Quoting from the article, “…the literary historian could find evidence that the work she’s devoted her life to was a forgery; the astrophysicist could discover a planetary system that quite clearly didn’t obey the supposedly universal laws of gravitation.” Isn’t it fascinating how the defense mechanism works even among people with scientific training? The best such people do is decide to not engage with the purported “fools” and “block” them aka run away from the conversation.
Wondering what happened with me, where am I taking you? Well, it is indeed an experience but a good one because it is full of lessons important for everyone, the person concerned, myself, and you. Because this article will enumerate how people escape critical conversations by imposing condescending remarks. Although the shit does not define me but they are still words spoken by the “venerable” Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips aka @theliverdr. Honestly, I don’t engage with people in their space unless invited, that too I exercise discretion. But in the case of @theliverdr, he is admittedly a “learned” man in “medical science.” You just gotta find him on Twitter debunking Ayush and taking honorary classes of people who seem to be “famous” and propagating misinformation.
I admit that on many occasions, I found many of his posts informative and fascinating, which encouraged me to follow him although he would be pretty “rude, or arrogant.” According to him, he is certainly not “rude, or arrogant” but protective of his “mental bandwidth,” which he feels is justified by taking jibes at people instead of simply stating facts. Adding to his hubris, @theliverdr has got a book deal, and now that he has “blocked” me on Twitter and I returned the favor both on Twitter and on Instagram because does the world lack liver experts? Absolutely not. But why not listen to a voice at home from Kerala despite obvious political leanings and raspy demeanor?
Have I introduced him enough? Okay, then let’s get to the main talk. What elicited him to “block” me? I am actually smiling ear-to-ear as I write this. This is so petty. But then you know what, it is amusing. This website of mine will outlive me and so must the story of people and their behavior—that education and intelligence do not make a person loveable and awe-inspiring. Maybe that’s why the world has so much hate for doctors who save lives. Most doctors suffer the God complex and take the world outside them as that of the downtrodden. Also, some doctors among these most doctors think that science ends with medical science only and that science can’t have a leaky gut. Here, just on a side note, I recommend you watch Patch Adams—what a wonderful movie.
So, @theliverdr shared a video of Dr. Fauci where Dr. Fauci talks about how “untruths are normalised.” This conversation, my dear, can go so deep that I will exhaust my remaining evening on this rant. If you are interested in philosophical queries, you might want to indulge in questioning the formation and dissolution of truth irrespective of the post-post-truth era upon us. I said, “He outsourced human-bat research to China. He is a face of lie much beside everyone you (@theliverdr) can name.“ @theliverdr retaliated asking if I know Dr. Fauci personally and a whole rant. I said, “He said it.” @theliverdr then screenshots the conversation demanding proof, which I provided. Ref: 1:21 onwards.
In no time, the @theliverdr refutes. “It took me less than 5 seconds to obliterate your conspiracy theory. Get back to garnishing meat. Leave scientific discussions to those who know it. Also, you have earned your block. The last thing I want is some conspiracy nut on my TL. Have a good day.” Links to The repeated claim that Fauci lied to Congress about ‘gain-of-function’ research. At this point, he does what any intimidated person would do—leaves the conversation instead of sticking to his ground and suspending the conversation if it was so below his par. But he? Blocks me. He lost as much respect as he took away from me. Here, I would like you to note a few things-
- The WaPo article is now labeled as “published more than a year ago.” Ask yourself if “facts” change with time.
- When did the WaPo become the center of truth? In my theory (and I could be wrong?) WaPo is funded by Bezos and no matter what one says money influences motives. And here, Biden needed Fauci to be relieved of the blame and Biden got Bezos to take charge and save America from getting tarnished.
- Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips @theliverdr asked me if I know Dr. Fauci personally. Does he know him except for being a grain in the ocean of the medical community? If not, why did he strum that reed?
- Say that I am completely wrong. Does that still warrant his nasty behavior? Could he still have put across the “truth” without being so nauseating?
But am I open to being critiqued? Of course yes. What is so absolute in nature? Also, I am cognizant of the fact that this is the Internet. The WaPo article does sufficiently indicate that the fact-check report is “published more than a year ago,” which I would infer as America’s political situation and WaPo’s political priority are different in 2023. Isn’t it?
So here’s the departing message from hepatologist Doctor Liver aka Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips from India, where he is less of a doctor and more of an arrogant person whose sense of communication is beyond abominable. He calls me a “conspiracy nut” and reduces everything I ethically stand up for. I could use some abusive words to retaliate to this but I am withholding because I am not conceited like him. I use only one reference to where Fauci is saying the words for which I consider him the face of a lie against the video clip where he hoists the importance of truth. I found these two faces of Fauci contradictory. So, am I the conspiracy theorist? I don’t care who is but I am not. Here’s another PDF from a Policy School in Germany. Read it and figure out at your discretion how you see if this interaction between Dr. Cyriac Abby Philips aka @theliverdr and I merits good insight into the people we both are. I am leaving here with a lot of questions that a student of language can decode in close context and an obvious need for doctors to be trained in communication.
Doctor Fauci
He asked me to stay away from “scientific conversations” as if I said something unscientific about a political debate around Dr. Fauci. He called me a “conspiracy nut.” And blocked me with SS. 🤣 I thought, why not? Let’s do it.
— Linda Ashok (@IamLindaAshok) July 11, 2023
Seriously, @theliverdr has really lost his brain in pursuit of his liver. He calls me “anti-vax,” “science deniers,” “flat earthers?” Who is he? And how does that response suit this post? He is so traumatized. He badly needs a break from signing off death summaries of people to…
— Linda Ashok (@IamLindaAshok) July 11, 2023